Rehab Pilates Physical Therapy Rancho Bernardo

Debbie is excited to join the Charis team and help spread the magic of Pilates. She has always carried a love for teaching people to move better and feel healthier. Now she brings her 17+ years of experience as a physical therapist to share with other movement-enthusiasts from all walks of life.

Favorite Pilates move: Anything in the frontal plane – like side-leg lifts “side-booty” work, or side-bending the spine. “This plane of movement is so neglected in our usual repertoire of daily movement, so this work can be so valuable, challenging, and yummy-feeling all at the same time!” Debbie says.

When not teaching Pilates, Debbie can be found nurturing spiritual connections with like- minded people and with nature, as well as designing a healthy lifestyle for herself and her husband, in order to enjoy many healthy, active years together ahead.

Book a Class with Debbie